terça-feira, dezembro 07, 2010

O que medir

A terceira questão que Robert Simons nos convida a colocar é:
"The question - What critical performances variables are you tracking? (with its focus on the adjective critical) - is the starting point."
"Tracking performance goals - the third implementation imperative - can propel your organization to strategic success. But do it badly and you can derail the entire enterprise"
"Many managers complain that they’re overwhelmed by how many things they’re asked to keep track of in all-inclusive lists of performance measures. It’s not uncommon for companies to create scorecards with 30, 40, or more variables, in the mistaken belief that adding measures results in a more complete—and therefore better—scorecard. Information technology enables us to gather more and more data at lower and lower cost. But we cannot keep tracking so many variables. E ffective managers monitor only a small number—those that could cause their strategy to fail.
there is a simple but often overlooked reason to measure just a few variables: Management attention is your scarcest resource. As you add metrics to your scorecards, you incur an opportunity cost, in that people have less time to focus on what really matters.
There’s another reason to limit your focus: If you add too many measures to your scorecards, you will drive out innovation."
"To evaluate the usefulness of any performance measures, you must first decide if they are measuring the right things. Otherwise you may be making important decisions based on the wrong indicators.
There is only one way to test this: you must explain how you believe value is created. Then, and only then, can you determine what variables and measures are critical to success."
Primeiro, quem são os clientes-alvo?
Segundo, qual a proposta de valor a oferecer-lhes?
Terceiro, qual o enredo, qual a narrativa, qual a estratégia para fazer a relação funcionar?
E só depois, o que medir.
Trechos retirados do livro "Seven Strategy Questions" e do artigo "Stress-Test Your Strategy The 7 Questions to Ask" publicado no número de Novembro da revista Harvard Business Review.

1 comentário:

Jose Silva disse...


A definição de Valor, proposta de valor é mesmo essa: Dar ao cliente mais do que ele paga. Neste caso informação pertinente que não necessita de muito tempo para digerir.