quarta-feira, novembro 17, 2010

Concentrar uma empresa no que é essencial

"I believe that executing strategy successfully requires tough, often uncomfortable, choices based on simple logic and clear principles.
Simple questions can strip away the confusion that obfuscates clear thinking, allowing us to focus on the key issues that underpin important decisions.
We too often fall into the comfortable habit of avoiding choice in the mistaken belief that we can have it all. Instead of focusing on one primary customer, we have multiple types of customers. Instead of instilling core values, we develop lists of desired behaviors. Instead of focusingon a few critical measures, we build scorecards with an overload of measures. WE WORK HARD TO AVOID MAKING CHOICES."
Esta semana, as an accidental bystander, já assisti impotente, a dois casos que ilustram esta dificuldade extrema em fazer opções.
Trecho retirado de "Sevem Strategy Questions" de Robert Simons.

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