quarta-feira, outubro 27, 2010

Switch - acerca da mudança (parte VII)

Muitas vezes a dimensão da mudança necessária é tão grande que só de pensar nela... há o risco de desmoralizar e desistir.
Uma das tácticas que se pode seguir é a de transformar uma grande mudança numa sequência de pequenas mudanças que originam uma torrente de pequenas vitórias: aqui e aqui.
Chip e Dan Heath no livro Switch chamam a esta técnica "Shrink the Change":
"One way to shrink change, then, is to limit the investment you're asking for ... Another way to shrink change is to think of small wins - milestones that are within reach.
You can't count on these milestones to occur naturally. To motivate change, you've got to plan for them.
When you engineer early successes, what you're really doing is engineering hope. Hope is precious to a change effort. It's Elephant fuel.
Once people are on the path and making progress, it's important to make their advances visible. With some kinds of change, such as weight loss, progress is easy to measure-people can step on a scale. Unfortunately, there's no off-the-shelf scale for "new-product innovation" or "reduced carbon impact." Where do you find a yardstick that can measure the kind of changes you're leading?
When you set small visible goals, and people achieve them, they start to get it into their heads that they can succeed They break the habit oflosing and begin to get into the habit of winning.
Small targets lead to small victories, and small victories can often trigger a positive spiral of behavior."

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