segunda-feira, setembro 13, 2010

Um emaranhado auto-catalítico que conspira para emergir uma sinergia competitiva bem sucedida

Parte I, parte II.
Na parte I abordam-se as questões a considerar para formular, ou reformular, uma estratégia.
Na parte II chama-se a atenção para o aviso: façam escolhas claras!!!
Depois, lembra que as escolhas têm de se reforçar num emaranhado auto-catalítico que gera uma rede de sinergias, e o poder realmente surge da conspiração que emerge dessas sinergias:
"Choosing what to do and what not to do is certainly an important part of strategy. However, strategy is much more than this. Strategy is also about combining these choices into a system that creates the requisite fit between the needs of the environment and what the company does. Combining the firm's choices into a well-balanced system matters more than the individual choices.
In designing the company's system of activities, managers must bear four points in mind:
  • first, the individual activities we choose to do must be the ones that are demanded by the market...
  • second, the activities we decide to perform must fit with each other...
  • third, activities must not only fit but must also be in-balance with each other...
  • finally, in designing these activities, not only should we pay particular attention to the interrelationships in this system but we should also be aware that the "structure" of the system will drive behaviour in it. What our people do in the firm is conditioned by this underlying structure. Therefore, if we want to change behaviour, we will have to change the structure of the system."
Este encaixe, esta combinação é mágica. O stuck-in-the-middle é a consequência de não se assumirem estas sinergias.

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