quarta-feira, agosto 18, 2010

Not so fast Mr. Sibbet

Utilizo quase sempre o Powerpoint nas minhas acções de formação. Graças à ajuda de pessoas como Garr Reynolds, Nancy Duarte, Cliff Atkinson e outros tenho aprendido a usar essa ferramenta de forma cada vez mais interessante, cada vez menos texto e mais imagem.
Sei o quão mau se pode ser com o Powerpoint, arruinando uma acção de formação, uma conferência, uma reunião. Nós, humanos, temos tendência a usar o Powerpoint como um instrumento para ajudar o formador, ou o apresentador, ou o conferencista, e esquecemo-nos de o usar para fomentar a experiência mental do receptor da mensagem. Por isso, quando a minha filha me contou que a professora de Matemática dela, no 10º ano, usava o Powerpoint nas aulas em vez de usar o quadro temi logo o pior... e com razão.
Ontem li estes trechos de David Sibbet no seu recente livro "Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes & Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity":
"I am conviced from my own experience that it is impossible to do what is called "systems thinking" without visualization.
When you want to understand anything you can't experience all in one moment, ... then you need to be able to connect different pieces of information experienced at different times. If you want to think about how things connect and are related you will have to make some kind of display.
This idea seems so obvious to me now I sometimes have trouble understanding why people think that listening to presentation after presentation is a skillful way to learn. I would much rather engage people in cocreating a display where they find their own patterns in the information. That kind of learning sticks. That is what visual thinking is all about. This is why teachers work through ideas step by step on blackboards!
Geoff Ball, wrote a little unpublished paper on Explicit Group Memory. He reported that of all the ideas he and other members of the project were exploring, the use of a common working display made the most difference. They believed that shared computer displays would be the power tools of the future. I took display to mean any kind of visual display, and understood through Geoff's paper why chalkboards are probably the last tool a teacher would ever give up."
Not so fast Mr. Sibbet, infelizmente, esta doença aliada à falta de paixão pelo que se faz, contaminada pelo novo riquismo burocrata das novas tecnologias for the sake of novas tecnologias, pode fazer anti-milagres.

1 comentário:

CCz disse...

"It puts the focus where it should be: on you, the presenter. If you don’t need to show a picture or graph to illustrate a particular point, then quite possibly you don’t need to show anything on the wall at all. Anything you display reduces the attention the audience can devote to you and what you are saying. Dilute their attention with a slide if you think it will help their understanding; otherwise, let them focus entirely on you."