quarta-feira, maio 19, 2010

Fugir da corrida anoréxica da Rainha Vermelha

O livro "Different", de Youngme Moon, na sua segunda parte, apresenta uma alternativa para fugir à competição desenfreada.
""reverse-positioned brand." A reverse-positioned brand is a very particular kind of idea brand, one that makes the deliberate decision to defy the augmentation trend in a caregory in which customers have come to expect augmentation. What this means is that there is a commitment to with-holding benefits that the rest of the industry considers necessary to compete. Reverse brands say no where others say yes. And they do so openly. Without apology."
"This is what reverse brands do: They take way what we expect, but then give us what we don't. They say no where others say yes, but they also say yes where others say no."
"They eliminate, but they also elevate. They strip things down, even as they sweeten things up. The result is a fusion of the basic with the sublime, a fusion that may seem strange, unfamiliar, or even disconcerting at first encounter - but is nothing if not distintive."
O que é que é normal?
"whenever you see a company that is constantly tweaking its value proposition with improvement upon improvement, you are looking at a business that is dedicated to being the absolute best that it can be ... they take pride in operating under the assumption that no matter how good a job they're doing, there are still likely to be customers out there who aren't 100 percent satisfied. This assumption then serves as a motivator to deliver better service, better products, better quality.
However, if the story of augmentation has a parable, it is that it's possible to improve yourself all the way to mediocrity."
Esta competição desenfreada por satisfazer, por ganhar a preferência dos clientes, leva a acelerar cada vez mais só para ficar no mesmo sítio, como aconselhava a Rainha Vermelha à pequena Alice.
A primeira parte do livro de Youngme Moon explica esta situação muito melhor do que Chan Kim e Renée Mauborgne no seu livro "Blue Ocean Strategy", quando estes falam em criar um oceano azul fugindo de um mar vermelho de sangue resultante da competição das empresas na sua tentativa de satisfazer os clientes.
Olhando para o que fazem as reverse-positioned brands "that refuses to get on the augmentation treadmill, not because it doesn't care about its customers, but because it is operating under an inverse assumption - that given the hyper-maturity of the category, there are probably lots of folks out there who are over-satisfied."
O que propuseram Chan Kim e Renée Mauborgne?
Que factores reduzir?
Que factores eliminar?
Que factores melhorar?
Que factores criar?
Há aqui algo em comum.

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