quarta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2010

Acerca dos modelos de negócio

Interessante este postal "A New Framework for Business Models" sobre o interessante e urgente tema dos modelos de negócio.
Reparem por onde começa o modelo:
"1.Why would someone want to buy something from you?
... you need to construct a customer value proposition (CVP) — not by trying to convince customers of the value of your products but the other way around, by identifying an important job a customer needs to get done and then proposing an offering that fulfills that job better than any alternative the customer can turn to. Generally speaking, the more important job is to the customer, the lower the level of satisfaction with current alternatives and the lower the price, the stronger the CVP."
Como gostamos de começar: Quem são os clientes-alvo? Qual a proposta de valor que lhes vamos oferecer?

1 comentário:

Jose Silva disse...


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