quarta-feira, janeiro 13, 2010

Originação de valor e melhorias incrementais

Li este postal do meu amigo Aranha sobre o filme Avatar.
Depois, cheguei a esta opinião de Roger no seu blog na HBS "Why Good Spreadsheets Make Bad Strategies" onde se pode ler:
"We live in a world obsessed with science, preoccupied with predictability and control, and enraptured with quantitative analysis.
In this oh-so-modern life, we have deep-seated desire to quantify the world around us so that we can understand it and control it. But the world isn't behaving. Instead, it is showing its modern, scientific inhabitants that quantity doesn't tell us as much as we would wish.
Why are qualities so important? We need to understand the role of qualities in dealing with the complex, ambiguous and uncertain world in which we live because understanding, measuring, modeling and manipulating the quantities just won't cut it. Adding up the quantity of credit outstanding won't tell us nearly enough about what role it will play in our economy. Adding up sales won't tell us what kind of a company we really have. We need to have a much deeper understanding of their qualities — the ambiguous, hard-to-measure aspects of all of these features."
Interessante como no passado Sábado, terminei a tarde de uma sessão de formação a tentar dar a minha resposta a uma pergunta que no fundo era sobre os limites da melhoria contínua do que existe, sobre as melhorias incrementais e, como todo esse esforço pode ser rapidamente ultrapassado pelo rasgo de génio, pelo UAUUUU do artista para criar valor.

1 comentário:

lookingforjohn disse...


1. E eu pergunto se esta pirataria não estará a alimentar ainda um pouco mais a procura da exibição em 3D...