domingo, janeiro 31, 2010

Conciliar modos de vida numa organização

"Organizations dominated by analytical thinking are built to operate as they always have; they are structurally resistant to the idea of designing and redesigning themselves and their business dynamically over time. They are built to maintain the status quo. By sticking closely to the tried and true, organizations dominated by analytical thinking enjoy one very important advantage: they can build size and scale.
In organizations dominated by intuitive thinking, on the other hand, innovation may come fast and furiously, but growth and longevity represent tremendous challenges. Intuition-biased firms cannot and will not systematize what they do, so they wax and wane with individual intuitive leaders."
E quando o mundo muda... e o status quo que permitia o sucesso de uma empresa, de um sector de actividade, desaparece rapidamente. Qual dos dois tipos de empresa tem mais hipóteses de dar a volta e adaptar-se à nova realidade?
Como é que um suiço ignorante, se tornou num suiço connaisseur que produz em Portugal o melhor azeite do mundo? O que impediu os tradicionais produtores de azeite de darem o salto na escala de valor?
Trecho retitrado de "The Design of Business - Why Design Thinking Is the Next Competitive Advantage" de Roger Martin.

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