sexta-feira, setembro 18, 2009

Preço versus Valor!!!

Como são definidos os preços:
Produto -> Custo -> Preço -> Valor -> Clientes
"Notice you start with the product (or service), determine its cost, mark up that cost with a desired profit to set the price, and then pray the customer values the output at a level higher than the price they are being asked to pay.
Notice where the customer is in this chain of events—at the end!"
Ou assim?
"Pricing On Purpose inverts this chain to correspond with the economic realities of the marketplace."
Clientes -> Valor -> Preço -> Custo -> Produto
"This value chain recognizes that value is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder. It is in total alignment with the subjective theory of value to the customer. Customers do not care about your internal costs, nor your profit desires. They demand value higher than the price they are paying, and they want to make that comparison before they buy, not after.
This inversion reveals a further fact of economic life: Your costs do not determine your price; rather, your price determines your costs. This is anathema to a cost accountant, but self-evident to a pricer."
Trechos retirados de Pricing on Purpose de Ronald Baker

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