segunda-feira, setembro 07, 2009

Calvinist destruction

Que me conhece sabe deste meu ponto fraco, I love sounbytes.
Por isso, ao ler este texto de Evans Pritchard "Does the world have the courage to deal with its debts?" não pude deixar sorrir com o termo Calvinist destruction.
"There are three ways out of our mess. We can pursue 1930s liquidation that purges debt through mass default. Such Calvinist destruction cannot be imposed on a modern democracy.
We can devalue debt by deliberate inflation. This will backfire as bond vigilantes boycott government debt - unless rigged by capital controls or "administrative measures". You see where this leads.
Or we can try to right the ship by paying down our debts, very slowly, by sweat and toil, navigating a treacherous course between the Scylla and Charybdis of the twin-flations, for as long as it takes. This is the only responsible course left we as we face the devastating consequences of our own credit delusions. Are we up it?"

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