sábado, setembro 19, 2009

A Bolha das Renováveis

Há uma central solar no Alentejo, agora há uns interessados em construir a maior central solar do mundo...
Interesting to read this in WSJ, para onde quer que nos viremos só encontramos rentistas. Louçã tem muita razão quando fala dos empresários encostados ao poder e sempre de mão estendida:
"Spain's Solar-Power Collapse Dims Subsidy Model"
"Wind energy was a cheaper renewable option than solar, so the Spanish government sought to make solar power more attractive by increasing subsidies, just as other countries, particularly Germany, were scaling back support.

As a result, Spain's solar capacity last year increased to 3,342 megawatts from 695 megawatts, the size of a coal plant, a year earlier. Government subsidies for solar power jumped to €1.1 billion ($1.6 billion) in 2008 from €214 million in 2007.

Solar power "was a financial product, not an energy solution," says Ignacio Sánchez Galán, chairman of Iberdrola, the world's biggest renewable-energy company. Iberdrola has largely shunned solar because wind power is cheaper and requires less land."
ADENDA: Este artigo do WSJ fez.me recordar este outro da Harper's Magazine de Fevereiro de 2008 que já previa a bolha das renováveis.

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