terça-feira, agosto 04, 2009

Entre a perspectiva clientes e a perspectiva interna (parte II)

A alienação, o stress do momento presente, a incapacidade para questionar a realidade, a ausência de locus de controlo no interior tudo se conjuga para evitar reflexões deste tipo:
Nobody bats a thousand. But when you keep losing sales despite having great products and services, it’s time to take a step back. You have to reconsider what you’re trying to accomplish and how you’re going about doing it. In fact, it might be time to reinvent the way you sell.”


Já reparou nos descontos que os comerciais.. ou direi antes os vendedores, têm de fazer para conseguir uma venda? Porquê? O produto não presta? A concorrência oferece melhor? O cliente só valoriza o preço? É o cliente certo?

“Your customers want you to know how their business works, so you, the supplier, can help them make it work better. Here’s the catch: you won’t be able to do that with your traditional sales approach.”

“The heart of the new approach to selling is an intense focus on the prosperity of your customers.”

“This ability to create value for customers will differentiate you in a crowded marketplace, and you will be paid a fair price for it – one that is commensurate with the value customers perceive they are getting and the value you do in fact provide. I call this new approach value creation selling”

“Value creation selling entails profound changes in the sales force itself. Salespeople are no longer solo operators.”

“the salesperson must develop a very clear and specific definition of the customer’s business needs. They must tap the creativity and expertise of their colleagues to shape some alternative offerings to satisfy those needs, and test those alternatives by engaging with people in the customer’s organization, but the salesperson takes the lead. Finally, he or she must refine the value proposition and be prepared to demonstrate, especially to key decisions makers, how the customer’s business stands to benefit.”

Charan fala de uma abordagem diferente para a realização da actividade comercial, trata-se de um investimento muito mais profundo e moroso. Quem são os seus clientes-alvo? Qual a proposta de valor que lhes vai oferecer? Quem são os comerciais que tem consigo que podem abraçar uma abordagem deste género?

Trechos retirados do livro "What the Customer Wants You to Know - How Everybody Needs to Think Differently About Sales" de Ram Charan.

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