sexta-feira, março 20, 2009

Are you sure you have a strategy? (parte I)

Esta pergunta intitula um artigo de Donald Hambrick e James Fredrickson publicado em 2005 por Academy of Management Executive.
"This problem of strategic fragmentation has worsened in recent years, as narrowly specialized academics and consultants have started plying their tools in the name of strategy. But strategy is not pricing. It is not capacity decisions. It is not setting R&D budgets. These are pieces of strategies, and they cannot be decided—or even considered— in isolation."
"When executives call everything strategy, and end up with a collection of strategies, they create confusion and undermine their own credibility. They especially reveal that they don’t really have an integrated conception of the business."
"Without a strategy, time and resources are easily wasted on piecemeal, disparate activities; mid-level managers will fill the void with their own, often parochial, interpretations of what the business should be doing; and the result will be a potpourri of disjointed, feeble initiatives."
"If a business must have a strategy, then the strategy must necessarily have parts. What are those parts? ... a strategy has five elements, providing answers to five questions:
  • Arenas: where will we be active?
  • Vehicles: how will we get there?
  • Differentiators: how will we win in the marketplace?
  • Staging: what will be our speed and sequence of moves?
  • Economic logic: how will we obtain our returns?"
"The most fundamental choices strategists make are those of where, or in what arenas, the business will be active. In articulating arenas, it is important to be as specific as possible about the product categories, market segments, geographic areas, and core technologies, as well as the value-adding stages (e.g., product design, manufacturing, selling, servicing, distribution)
the business intends to take on."
A arena é, na minha abordagem, a identificação dos clientes-alvo. Não a etiquetagem da miudagem, mas o nome das entidades concretas, como se olhássemos nas suas meninas-dos-olhos, para lhes podermos fazer perguntas concretas.

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