terça-feira, fevereiro 03, 2009

Mudança do modelo de negócio...

Tempos de mudança acentuada (recalibração ou mudança de nível) podem requerer mudança do modelo de negócio. Por que aquilo que funcionava pode deixar de funcionar:
O que se segue é válido para as empresas e para os governos dos países:
"... the hardest thing to change successfully in any company is its gross-margin model. Every such change leads to radical downsizing and reorganization, but this is rarely accompanied by wholesale replacement of the executive team. There is no infusion, in other words, of the new skills required to make the new margin model work. Instead there is an increasingly strained old guard struggling to adapt to patterns and problems it has no experience in handling.
In our view, therefore, the best practice for dealing with a failure to gain marketplace acceptance with a current generation of offers should be to undertake an immediate restructuring designed to maintain the margin model over a smaller base of revenue and to focus on getting the following generation of offers back into the mainstream. This keeps the enterprise within the experience base of the current management team maintains a financial model that can support its current organizational model, albeit at a smaller scale."
Trecho retirado de "Dealing With Darwin" de Geoffrey Moore

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