sábado, janeiro 17, 2009

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia (parte XI)

Ainda há dias escrevi neste postal The vanishing middle market:
"Esta crise talvez não tenha criado nada de realmente novo no mundo dos negócios!
Talvez esta crise em que estamos mergulhados a nível mundial não tenha feito mais do que acelerar algo que já estava em curso."
Entretanto, o The McKinsey Quarterly publica uma entrevista (A fresh look at strategy under uncertainty: An interview) com Hugh Courtney, autor do livro "20/20 Foresight: Crafting Strategy in an Uncertain World". Nela, o Courtney afirma:
"The financial crisis has actually brought greater clarity because it has forced us to recognize that we have a lot more level three and level four situations than we would have admitted a few months ago. They probably were there all along, yet the bias was toward thinking that issues were more at level one and level two.
Maybe the world and the uncertainties we face haven’t changed all that much as a result of the financial crisis, but our perception of risks has. That means there is a real opportunity to rethink the way we make strategic decisions, the way we plan under uncertainty."
Este insight é incisivo:"Maybe the world and the uncertainties we face haven’t changed all that much as a result of the financial crisis, but our perception of risks has."

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