terça-feira, novembro 25, 2008

The Profit Zone

Este ano descobri um autor que julgo ser injustamente esquecido (talvez por ter tido razão antes do mainstream o ter percebido) Adrian Slywotzky.
Recebi ontem pelo correio um livro usado (encomendado via Amazon pelo módico preço de meia libra) da autoria de Slywotzky e David Morrison, "The Profit Zone".
Só para dar um cheirinho do conteúdo do livro transcrevo de seguida as primeiras linhas do primeiro capítulo intitulado "Market Share Is Dead":
"The number one problem in business today is profitability. Where will you be allowed to make a profit in your industry? Where is the profit zone today? Where will be tomorrow?
The profit zone is the area of your economic neighborhood where you are allowed to earn a profit. To reach and operate in the profit zone is the goal of every company.
You've been told how to get there. "Get high market share and the profit will follow." "Get high growth and your profits will expand."
As a manager, you were schooled in how the pursuit of market share and growth automatically places you on a direct route to business success.
However, these formerly direct roads have become mazes riddled with traps, wrong turns, and dead ends. Many large companies, after taking the turn toward market share and volume growth, have only hit a profitless wall."
(Volume is vanity ) (A minha receita é outra (parte 1 de 8?) ) (Profit is Sanity, Volume is Vanity )
Para quem, como eu, segue a máxima "Volume is vanity, Profit is sanity" isto é ouro sobre azul.
O livro vem suportar muitas das ideias que defendemos e praticamos, como procuraremos demonstrar nos próximos dias.

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