domingo, outubro 05, 2008

A implosão de um país?

Até parece retirado de um enredo de um filme-apocalipse: "Iceland Running Out of Food"
"Confidence in the banking system has been hard hit globally; in Iceland it has evaporated. The currency is now trading at 40 per cent of its January values; the last seven days alone have seen a plummet of over 11 per cent and major international institutions have stopped trading in the currency altogether.
The Icelandic stock exchange, down 80 per cent, is in free fall and money market funds, once a safe haven for savers, are imposing write-downs in anticipation of further corporate failure.Homeowners are confronted with negative equity, and businesses with no new credit lines. For an island population of 300,000 that relies on imported goods, the prospects of rampant inflation - already running at 15 per cent - deep recession and systemic failure loom."
E se isto parece mau, que dizer disto:
"A more interesting, and somewhat more panicked discussion, was contemplation of the possibility that the government would have to use their foreign currency reserves to secure food supplies for the winter.Now, Iceland is a major importer/exporter, and a net exporter of food, primarily fish. A lot staples are imported, especially grain and fruit."
"head of major supermarket in Iceland encourages people to hoard food and to stop buying foreign productsno currency for food imports"
"a major Icelandic grocery market says their foreign wholesalers are refusing lines of credit through Icelandic banks and demanding cash payment before supplying further goods. The store has been refused foreign currency. This was 4 pm friday afternoon.
"He encourages people to hoard food and to start buying locally produced goods only."
I guess the rumours I was hearing from my relatives have some truth to them. Oil will run out next.

3 comentários:

ematejoca disse...

BREAKING NEWS! - Barack Obama has replaced his Vice Presidential running mate, Joe Biden.

ematejoca disse...

Foi o Josh, o meu amigo americano de Detroit que ma mandou há cerca de uma hora.

Veja ccz se consegue saber o que se passa. Eu tenho que agora ir dormir, pois às 3 da tarde tenho um encontro.

Volto hoje ao fim da tarde.

ematejoca disse...

I am sorry to inform you that yes Teresa that is a joke. Doom is referring to Dr. Doom from the comic book/movie Fantastic Four. Latveria is his fictional home country which is located by Romania, Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia. I really am sorry for any mix up.


O Ryan é um amigo do Josh. E foi ele que me mandou a notícia.
Eu, estúpida, acreditei!