quinta-feira, agosto 14, 2008

Estratégia --> Processos críticos --> Actividades críticas --> Funções críticas

Michael Porter no seu clássico “What is Strategy?”, publicado pela Harvard Business Review em Nov.-Dec.1996, escreve:
Uma empresa só pode superar os seus rivais se estabelecer uma diferença que possa preservar"
Ok, e de onde vêm as diferenças sustentáveis?
"Em última instância, todas as diferenças entre empresas, em custos ou preço derivam das centenas de actividades…"
Dado que os processos são conjuntos de actividades solidárias e alinhadas que transformam entradas em saídas, não cessa a minha atenção e interesse pela abordagem por processos, como uma ferramenta fundamental para gerir e liderar uma organização.
"A diferenciação resulta tanto da escolha das actividades a realizar como da forma como são realizadas."
"As actividades, são, então, as unidades base para a vantagem competitiva."
Quem realiza, quem executa, quem desempenha essas actividades são as pessoas!
Nesta linha de raciocínio, no livro "The Workforce Scorecard - Managing Human Capital to Execute Strategy" de Mark Huselid, Brian Becker e Richard Beatty, encontramos:
"Traditional perspectives on workforece success, which often focus on standardization and cost reduction, have little to do with the demands of successful strategy execution."
"Successful strategies and competitive advantage nearly always rely on some form of differention in the marketplace; yet traditional workforce strategies are remarkaly undifferentiated both within and across firms. That is, we often see firms with very different organizational strategies adopting highly similar workforce strategies."
Ou seja, estamos perante uma contradição.
"an organization where HR professionals are solely focused on operational efficiency and administrative compliance can never fully capture the strategic value of its workforce."
Poupar não é o mesmo que ganhar!
"for many years workforce measurement has primarly consisted of measuring activities associated with HR transactions and of improving the performance of those elements. As a result, managers quite often focus on the wrong measures, and even if those measures could be driven to zero, it would have little or no influence on the successful execution of the firm's strategy."
"The emphasis on workforce differentiation breaks the traditional disconnect between the logic of differentiation at the level of corporate strategy and the tendency toward homogeneity or commonality in workforce management. The foundation of any successful strategy is some basis of differentiation between the value proposition your firm offers customers and the value proposition your competitors offer ... we are advocating a movement away from "plain vanilla" workforce strategies - where all emplyees are offered the same "deal" - to workforce strategies that arecarefully tailored to your business requirements ... the implications for workforce management is that some positions and some employees are more central to strategy execution than others. This means not only that these positions and employees must be identified, but also that the workforce systems that support, develop, and motivate them are likely to be different from those same systems for non-strategic workers. In short, not all workforce contribution is created equally, some types of workforce performance are more valuable than others, and this different opportunity for value creation has to be managed differently as well."
Em perfeita sintonia com esta reflexão de Novembro passado.

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