quinta-feira, julho 17, 2008

Um mundo de oportunidades (parte IV)

Para fugir à auto-flagelação do buraco do que corre mal, uma alternativa é pensar nas alternativas, nas portas que se abrem com o novo contexto.
Talvez seja útil, para quem ainda não o faz adoptar a postura de pensar de fora para dentro, como propõe Joachim Sthaler neste espaço:
"Outside-in is the overall philosophy of the demand-first model. The basic promise of outside-in is based on our research that shows that executives can not see the biggest and sometimes most obvious opportunities in plain sight. The reason is that their own successes of the past lead them to view the world from their own perimeters – their existing products and services. Over time, success creates something like a smoke screen and companies become obsessed with finding more customers for their products or services. This is the opposite of the outside-in philosophy. It is an inside-out philosophy – everything is seen from the vantage point of existing products and services, past and current successes and the assumption is that the future will be more or less the same, subject to some trends, perhaps."

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