segunda-feira, dezembro 17, 2007

"Prescriptions for saving Spain’s manufacturing sector"

Eis um artigo escrito para a realidade espanhola... mas tão útil para a nossa própria realidade (por que é que as empresas continuam a manter afixadas nas suas paredes grandes mapas da Península Ibérica, com os países, Portugal e Espanha, bem delimitados por cores diferentes? Faz lembrar aquele exercício dos 9 pontos.

Como unir os 9 pontos com 4 segmentos de recta, sem levantar o lápis do papel?
Só quando esquecemos a barreira do quadrado que não está lá, mas está lá, é que resolvemos o desafio.
Ao olharem regularmente para um mapa da península que separa Portugal de Espanha, as pessoas encaixam umas grilhetas mentais que as impedem de ver a nova realidade económica, Portugal e Espanha são mercado doméstico e ponto. Mas adiante.)

Aqui, um artigo sobre o estudo “Crisis, management attitudes and strategy in traditional manufacturing: The Spanish textile sector,” escrito por José Pla Barber e Francisco Puig Blanco, da Universidade de Valência e Esmeralda Linares Navarro da Universidade de Múrcia.

Um trecho:

"The professors classified companies in their study into three groups. The largest group, which contained 47% of the sampling, was described as “the short-sighted.” These companies either had no strategy or they were reluctant to have one. For these companies, explains Pla, “the situation is something created outside; they are not responsible, and they are not the ones who should react” in their view."
"The second group, which comprises 20% of the sampling, is known as the “the losers.” Their reaction is either “extreme or radical.” The options that their company considered for dealing with the crisis were either to abandon the sector; become an importer, or outsource production. These companies “take a very pessimistic view of the changes and the new competitive conditions. They believe that the crisis has a structural character but it is one that they cannot control. "
"The third group, which comprises 33% of the companies, is known as “the fighters,” and they have a strong will to survive. According to the study, their managers “perceive the situation in a more positive and controllable way, which validates their reactive strategy and, above all, their efforts to choose more innovative strategies in the face of struggle and change.” "
"The professors created two other new models of the corporation. Although they are radical opposites, both models can serve as a survival guide for companies. Both models show that the decision making process is a function of a company’s overall character.

The first kind of company is “the challenger,” the sort of company that is both “global” and “pro-active.” Through mergers and partnerships with other companies in its sector, “it can achieve enough size to gain economies of scale and reach. It can escape the limitations of small size,” says the study."
"Rather than grow larger, the second sort of company chooses to get smaller. This sort of company is called “the survivor” and it is both “local” and “reactive.” “As a result of its change in attitude, it seeks out specialization, differentiation and innovation in its own market niche enabling it to survive,” says the study."

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