sexta-feira, novembro 02, 2007

Futurização, Pré-Contemplativos e Mudança

A propósito da Nota de Fecho, assinada por Vasconcellos e Sá, na última página do semanário Vida Económica de hoje "O nosso icebergue está a derreter", recordei-me deste postal.

Ao relê-lo encontrei esta frase:

"when people are exposed to change interventions, they are at one of four stages: precontemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance. Precontemplators are unaware of any need to change, whereas contemplators are aware that there is a problem and they are thinking about change but have not yet made a commitment.
People can remain in the contemplation stage for long periods, up to two years in the case of smokers. Action, the stage most change agents equate with change, is the stage in which people actually alter their behaviors. In any change intervention, few people are in the action stage."

Em linha com o último postal sobre a futurização das organizações, a designação Pré-contemplativos aplica-se como uma luva ao que chamei de ritualistas.

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