quarta-feira, novembro 14, 2007

Competências e abordagem por processos

Um dos livros que mais me ajudou a definir uma abordagem, uma visualização, uma interpretação sobre como funcionam as organizações, foi: "Improving Performance: Managing the White Space on the Organization Chart" de Rummler e Brache. Não foi um despertar para a abordagem por processos, foi antes o ponto de partida para uma reflexão profunda sobre o que significa, e quais as suas implicações.n
Assim, subscrevemos em plena consciência esta afirmação:

"We firmly believe that the general understanding that work gets done – and value is added – through cross-functional processes is potentially the greatest business management breakthrough in the past 100 years. There is little doubt that process design and improvement over the past 20 years have yielded great gains in customer satisfaction and cost containment in organizations throughout the world. In addition, Thomas Friedman (1) has identified work flow/business process innovations as one of the “Ten Forces that Flattened the World” and changed our lives forever. "

A qual pode ser encontrada aqui (apreciar sobretudo o desdobramento ilustrado na figura 3).

Neste postal, abordámos o desafio de transformar as pessoas de uma organização em sintonia com a estratégia do negócio, onde expusemos a metodologia que seguimos.

Entretanto descobrimos estes dois artigos super-interessantes, que vêm reforçar, e enriquecer a abordagem que propomos, relacionada com os processos do negócio.

No "Process Mapping" saliento:

"Process mapping can be an excellent data collection method for identifying job duties and tasks because in defining a work process we are describing the specific actions each person takes. It also offers a systemic view of work, so we see each employee’s work in the context of the complete workflow and interactions with others rather than only studying the work of one person at a time."

"Process mapping can also provide an efficient technique of data collection for competency modeling."

No "A New Model for Systematic Competency Identification" saliento:

"A job model is a performance-based reflection of how an exemplary job performer does his or her work. It should be based on and aligned to the core processes of the business, which in turn should be aligned to the business unit’s goals and strategies."

"The majority of job competencies emanate from the process steps. This is logical, because most job behavior is found in the steps executed (and the skills and knowledge needed) in doing the work."

Há aqui matéria-prima para reflectir, para melhorar a minha abordagem à definição do perfil de competências de uma função.

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