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sexta-feira, dezembro 12, 2014

"Gente sem espaço para a surpresa, nunca irá longe"

Em perfeito alinhamento com o que penso e escrevo sobre os académicos que fazem parte da tríade:
"Debate is fine but practice is what matters. The particularization or localization discussion above gets closer to practice than a purely theoretical discussion allows. Practice is often presumed to be the implementation of theory. But theories are always constructed with simplifications, excluding some features while attending to others. Thus no theory can embrace all the issues a practice engages.
Put differently, real practice must be evaluated in the world of experience that is never of a single dimension or embraced in the abstract world invoked by a theory. Judgment is always necessary to reasoned practice, a view theorizing tries to deny. [Moi ici: Não consigo deixar de pensar nisto]...
In von Clausewitz’s time military thinking had tilted towards excessive rigor in theories of formation, lines of fire, general rules about the center of battle gravity, and so on. [Moi ici: Recordar Lanchester, recordar Cornwallis, recordar David] The assumption was that a proper application of the scientific method would lead to theories about surefire ways to win, [Moi ici: Só mesmo os franceses, para acreditarem em leis que definissem a sorte da guerra!!!] changing the face of war and international diplomacy forever. War would no longer be a matter of chance; it would be a science. These notions were central to the training in the French military schools. Von Clausewitz, who fought the French and feared they would overrun Europe, thought thinking of war as a science a grave error, a misunderstanding of its indeterminate (foggy and chancy) human nature, and that the real issue was not whether any of the available theories were valid or not, but rather how they might be best applied under battle conditions. He did not dismiss theory, far from it.
The key to von Clausewitz’s thinking lay in his “dialectical” method, his sense that in the real world there were always at least two opposing or mutually exclusive ways of thinking about something [Moi ici: Faz-me lembrar "Existe sempre uma alternativa"]- perhaps two theories or heuristics. He thought of strategizing in terms of natural language and its openness to surprise and creativity rather than formal language and deterministic theory. The Clausewitzian world is one of trade-offs—matters of practice inevitably involving judgments supported by, but never dictated by, analysis.
Von Clausewitz argued no theory should be presumed relevant without first identifying its antitheses, the opposing ideas or critique, and then second, appreciating that choosing between the opposing ideas was the very essence of strategic work, a judgment-call that lay outside any of the theories being judged."
Gente sem espaço para a surpresa, nunca irá longe.

Trechos retirados de "Business Strategy - Managing Uncertainty, Opportunity, and Enterprise" de  J.-C. Spender.

domingo, julho 17, 2011

Imprimam bentos (parte IV)

Ontem à noite li mais um capítulo de "The Upside: How to Turn Your Greates Threat Into Your Biggest Growth Opportunity" de Adrian Slywotzky e Karl Weber.
O 2º capítulo chama-se "Why Do Customers Surprise Us? que começa por uma caracterização interessante da actuação dos clientes.
"Perhaps the most insidious strategic risk we face is decimation of our customer base by shifts in behavior, preferences, and demographics.These shifts may happen gradually or literally overnight. Either way, they can destroy our business design.
Customers are people - unpredictable, irrational, emotional, curious, and highly prone to change. Customers can't keep still. They resegment themselves from product buyers to value buyers to price buyers and then back again. Their priorities change from quality to price to solutions to brand. They get richer. They get poorer. They get excited by and attracted to different styles, different offerings, different ways to buy. They get better informed. They get more demanding. They decide to shop at different places; they start buying shirts through catalogs, jewelry from a TV network, vacations online. They want bigger cars. Then smaller. Then really bigger. Then really fuel-efficient. They pledge allegiance to product brands. Then store brands. Then no brands. They want carbohydrates, then they don't.
Every time customer priorities shift, your business design is at risk. Your value proposition gets a little fuzzier, a little out of focus. You lose a little business from a few customers; they decide to peel away once in a while and buy a couple of items from another suplier..."
Como é que os economistas, como é que os académicos, como é que os políticos reagem a estas flutuações no interesse dos clientes?
Gritam um conjunto: Imprimam bentos!
Ou seja, a única forma de lidar com todas estas vicissitudes impostas pela mudança de humor dos clientes é...
Baixar o preço!
Sair do euro e imprimir uma nova moeda chamada bento. Baixar o valor do euro...
Até na medicina os antibióticos de largo espectro são cada vez mais menos aconselhados...
Esta gente foi educada e decorou umas sebentas num tempo em que havia dinossauros na Terra. Hoje o mercado mudou, os clientes, os concorrentes, as regras mudaram e eles continuam a repetir respostas decoradas... um pouco como o meu tio João, com 85 anos, é capaz de regressar à sua meninice e começar a "cantar" os nomes das serras portuguesas do Minho até aos cinco mil e tal metros do Pico do Ramelau em Timor.
Num mundo a caminho de Mongo continuam a querer usar as ferramentas do tempo das economias fechadas.
Comparo-os ao Lord Cornwallis que só segue as regras da guerra by the book, regras que facilitam a vida aos grandes (movimentos lineares previsíveis de Lanchester) e que são derrotados sem apelo nem agravo por pequenos grupos da Al-qaeda liderados por vários Benjamin Martin que fazem uso da rapidez, da flexibilidade, da atenção, do pormenor.
É o que temos...
""Gostaria que o Euro fosse mais fraco para que os países fossem mais competitivos""
Não sei se sabem mas no comércio extra-comunitário a nossa balança costuma ser assim:
"No período de Março a Maio de 2011, as exportações aumentaram 15,3% e as importações 29,1%, face ao mesmo período do ano anterior.
Excluindo os Combustíveis e lubrificantes, verifica-se que as exportações aumentaram 12,1% e as importações 14,2%, em comparação com igual período do ano anterior. O saldo da balança comercial, com exclusão deste tipo de produtos, atingiu um superavit de 100,3 milhões de euros e a correspondente taxa de cobertura foi de 104,7%, enquanto nos resultados globais (incluindo os Combustíveis e lubrificantes) se registou um défice de 1 752,1 milhões de euros, com uma taxa de cobertura de 60,7%."
Ou seja...
Pois, imprimam bentos... amadores a jogar bilhar
ADENDA: Nem de propósito "Why Is The World Run By Bean Counters?" ou "You Are Not an Equation"