domingo, outubro 16, 2016

Mongo em todo o lado

Mais um exemplo de como Mongo, o Estranhistão, anda por aí a entranhar-se em todas as áreas da economia e da vida das pessoas.
As pessoas, os clientes, não querem ser tratados como plancton!
""Beauty is a very personal thing," says Finding Ferdinand founder Nhu Le. "People don't want to be told. They want to choose what looks good."
As Le sees it, customization is what today's consumers desire of all industries, not just cosmetics. "There's definitely a subset of the market that wants customization, especially with millennials and the 'selfie generation,'" she says. "They want to dictate what's [personally] looking good."
The ability to compose a unique product versus pacing a store floor has inspired a new generation of startups to take aim at the beauty industry. These companies are reimagining how we purchase everything from nail art to hair products.
"We believe [customization] is the new form of luxury, which is really a return to the old form of luxury in the idea of having something made just for you,"
Consumer involvement can create strong bonds. Like the do-it-yourself "maker" movement, people increasingly want to create. "From start to finish, you feel like you're involved and getting a product that you like,"
"If you look at any other industry, from social media to fashion, from technology to food, you will notice that customization is definitely the trend and the future,""

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