sábado, janeiro 04, 2014

Uma Tragédia dos Comuns

“France is dying a slow death. Socialism is killing it. It’s like a rich old family being unable to give up the servants. Think Downton Abbey.”
"When I began to look around, I saw people taking wild advantage of the system.
When you retire, you are well cared for. There are 36 special retirement regimes – which means, for example, a female hospital worker or a train driver can retire earlier than those in the private sector because of their “harsh working conditions,” even though they can never be fired.
But all this handing out of money left the state bankrupt.
The government is so inward looking and the state fonctionnaires who run it are so divorced from reality that it has become a country in denial."
Trechos retirados de "The Fall of France" e recordar que França é o país mais anti-Mongo.
BTW, conjugar com "Freedom and the Public Goods"

7 comentários:

CCz disse...


Carlos Albuquerque disse...

"the solution is for the participants to invest in institutions"

"These institutions must have the power to investigate the actions of individuals, and reward or punish them based on their contributions. In other words, a social contract is needed, together with institutions to enforce it."

O que mais me choca são aqueles que querem, pela propaganda repetida aos casos (conhecidos ou imaginários) de free riders, acelerar a tragédia dos comuns.

São uma espécie de free riders da boa vontade e da possibilidade de viver em sociedade. Querem acelerar a destruição porque esperam ganhar mais numa sociedade individualista, sem regulações nem protecções.

Carlos Albuquerque disse...

O artigo sobre Filoche é de 2003. Entretanto nestes 10 anos a França já deve ter desaparecido do mapa.

CCz disse...


CCz disse...


Zé de Fare disse...

artigo babaca sobre a França cujas falsidades e lugares comuns são facilmente desmentíveis.

CCz disse...


outro babaca... oh, wait!