quarta-feira, julho 18, 2012

O Futuro é Local, Não a China

Os recortes que se seguem podiam ter sido retirados deste blogue, há anos que descrevo o advento de Mongo e o seu impacte naquilo a que chamamos, ou  nos habituamos a ver como manufactura.
"Seduced by government subsidies, cheap labor, lax regulations, and a rigged currency, U.S. industry has rushed to China in recent decades, with millions of American jobs lost.
the larger trends show that the tide has turned, and it is China's turn to worry.
What is going to accelerate the trend isn't, as people believe, the rising cost of Chinese labor or a rising yuan. The real threat to China comes from technology. Technical advances will soon lead to the same hollowing out of China's manufacturing industry that they have to U.S industry over the past two decades.
He predicts a "creator economy" in which mass production is replaced by personalized production, with people customizing designs they download from the Internet or develop themselves.
How will we turn these designs into products? By "printing" them at home or at modern-day Kinko's -- shared public manufacturing facilities such as TechShop, (Moi ici: E esta, caro António?) a membership-based manufacturing workshop, using new manufacturing technologies that are now on the horizon.
It is entirely conceivable that, in the next decade, manufacturing will again become a local industry and it will be possible to 3D print electronics and use giant 3D printing scaffolds to print entire buildings. Why would we ship raw materials all the way to China and then ship completed products back to the United States when they can be manufactured more cheaply locally, on demand?
It's a near certainty that robotics, AI, and 3D-printing technologies will advance rapidly and converge."
Tenho reflectido e escrito sobre isto: sobre o refluxo da deslocalização para a China; sobre o aparecimento da sociedade de "fazedores", de "prosumers", de "makers", sobre o impacte da sociedade e cultura DIY.
Até aqui o artigo acompanha-me. Onde o artigo e eu nos separamos é aqui:
"American companies are already finding the rising cost of labor, shipping costs and time lags, and intellectual-property protection to be major issues in doing business in China." (Moi ici: De acordo, tenho escrito sobre isto)
As "American companies" vão sofrer tal qual as empresas chinesas, a convergência da robótica, da inteligência artificial e das impressoras 3D, não vai dar vantagem às empresas americanas. A convergência vai promover a cultura DIY. As empresas, tal como as conhecemos, um avatar do século XX, vão tornar-se uma raridade, vão dar origem a redes de artesãos que vão dar um outro significado à frase "economia local". Será um golpe final na standardização, desde a escola até à colecta de impostos.
Mongo tem o potencial para criar uma sociedade muito mais livre, muito mais "weird", muito mais diversa, muito mais "alinear".
Trechos retirado de "The Future of Manufacturing Is in America, Not China", por mim o título seria "The Future of Manufacturing Is Local, Not China"

5 comentários:

CCz disse...

Recordar sempre que Macgyver vence Sandy


CCz disse...

Mongo rules


CCz disse...


The End of Chinese Manufacturing and Rebirth of U.S. Industry

CCz disse...


The End of Chinese Manufacturing and Rebirth of U.S. Industry

CCz disse...
