quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2011

Estranhistão ... weirdistão

O livro "We are all weird" de Seth Godin é um livro sobre Mongo.
Em vez de Mongo, Seth chama-lhe Weirdistão, ou, aportuguesando, Estranhistão, ou Invulgaristão.
"Mass (Moi ici: O mercado de massas, o mass market) is about the center, the big, fat, juicy addressable center. Governments and marketers and teachers have organized around servicing and profiting from mass. And now, the center is melting.
The distribution of a population is often shaped like a bell curve.
In 1955, the distribution of behaviors was tightly grouped 
Not surprisingly, this curve is called a normal distribution. It’s incredibly common in almost any phenomenon you look at (Internet usage, miles commuted to work, length of hair). Something surprising is happening, though. The defenders of mass and normalcy and compliance are discovering that many of the bell curves that describe our behavior are spreading out.
Se olharmos para a figura deste postal  
É isto que está a acontecer, uma curva de Gauss com um desvio padrão muito, muito elevado, não representa uma população, representa várias populações misturadas... reparem, "várias populações misturadas" no mesmo espaço mas sem perderem a sua individualidade... e o que é isto senão as palavras que usei para justificar a escolha de "Mongo" como a designação da metáfora:
"O que me deixou incrédulo foi a perspectiva de existirem, num memo planeta, na mesma época, povos com culturas e sobretudo, com níveis tecnológicos tão distintos, não por dificuldade ou pobreza, mas por opção."
E o que escreve Seth Godin sobre a opção?
"RICH is my word for someone who can afford to make choices, who has enough resources to do more than merely survive. You don’t need a private plane to be rich, but you do need enough time and food and health and access to be able to interact with the market for stuff and for ideas.
Human beings prefer to organize in tribes, into groups of people who share a leader or a culture or a definition of normal. And the digital revolution has enabled and amplified these tribes, leaving us with millions of silos, groups of people who respect and admire and support choices that outsiders happily consider weird, but that those of us in the tribe realize are normal (our normal)
My argument is that the choice to push all of us toward a universal normal merely to help sell more junk to the masses is both inefficient and wrong.
In this manifesto, I’m not talking about weird by birth, I’m talking about people who are making an affirmative choice to be weird
Most people who make that choice are paradoxically looking to be accepted. Not by everyone, of course, but by their tribe, by people they admire and hope to be respected by. 
The weird aren’t loners. They’re not alone, either. The weird are weird because they’ve foregone the comfort and efficiency of mass and instead they’re forming smaller groups, groups where their weirdness is actually expected. The key element of being weird is this: you insist on making a choice."

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