Volto ao artigo "The Productivity Paradox" escrito por Wickham Skinner e publicado pela Harvard Business Review em Julho-Agosto de 1986.
Apreciem estes recortes que se seguem e vejam como este blogue não está sozinho no esforço missionário de tentar converter os actores económicos portugueses a uma outra estratégia, a um outro posicionamento que não o instintivo e indefensável preço mais baixo.
"Chipping away at productivity...
is mostly concerned with direct labor efficiency, although direct labor costs exceed 10% of sales in only a few industries. Thus even an immense jump in productivity - say 20% - would not reverse the fortunes of import-damaged industries" (Moi ici: é a isto que eu chamo mitos, é por isto que grito que muita gente fala, fala, fala mas não fez contas nenhumas.)
"focuses excessively on the efficiency of factory workers. By trying to squeeze out hetter efficiency from improved attitudes and tighter discipline on a person-by-person and department-by-department basis, the approach detracts attention from the structure of the production system itself."
"ignores other ways to compete that use manufacturing as a strategic resource. Quality, reliable delivery, short lead times, customer service, rapid product introduction, flexible capacity, and efficient capital deployment-these, not cost reduction, are the primary operational sources of advantage in today's competitive environment." (Moi ici: e as alternativas ao preço cresceram mais desde 1986)
"Most of the productivity-focused programs I have seen blithely assume that competitive position lost on grounds of higher cost is best recovered by installing cost-reduction programs. This logic is tempting but wrong. These programs cannot succeed.
They have the wrong targets and misconstrue the nature of the competitive challenge they are supposed to address. Worse, they incur huge opportunity costs. By tying managers at all levels to short-term considerations, they short-circuit the development of an aggressive manufacturing strategy. But they also do harm."
É impressionante como esta discussão de há mais de 20 anos continua a não entrar nas cabeças de muito boa gente.
Senge, o homem dos arquétipos, tem um arquétipo para esta situação
Estamos sempre a ver isto... por exemplo, os subsídios no sector do leite.
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