quinta-feira, dezembro 04, 2008

Só boas notícias... ou o reino da ironia

No seguimento das palavras de ontem mais uma onda de boas notícias, segundo a perspectiva do primeiro-ministro, para as famílias portuguesas.
A China resolveu artificialmente baixar o valor da sua moeda e:
"Hans Redeker, currency head at BNP Paribas, said China's policy switch could set off a dangerous chain of events. "If they play this beggar-thy-neighbour game, it will cause a deflationary shock for the whole world," he said. "
(Perigosa cadeia de eventos? O primeiro-ministro deve saber algo que este senhor Redeker desconhece. Então um choque deflacionário não é bom para as famílias portuguesas? Deflação é o contrário de inflação não é? Se a inflação come poder de compra... deflação significa aumento do poder de compra, logo deflação é bom. Não tentem negar à partida uma ciência que desconhecem... já o dizia Alcina Ramelas)
"It makes sense for countries with current account deficits such as the UK, US or Turkey to let their currencies fall, but China has the world's biggest trade surplus. "
A propósito, conjugar a leitura deste artigo de Evans Pritchard "1930s beggar-thy-neighbour fears as China devalues" com o artigo de Martin Wolf "Global imbalances threaten the survival of liberal trade".
Nouriel Roubini, esse ignorante, no Financial Times no artigo "How to avoid the horrors of ‘stag-deflation’" escreve:
"A severe global recession will lead to deflationary pressures. Falling demand will lead to lower inflation as companies cut prices to reduce excess inventory. Slack in labour markets from rising unemployment will control labour costs and wage growth. Further slack in commodity markets as prices fall will lead to sharply lower inflation. Thus inflation in advanced economies will fall towards the 1 per cent level that leads to concerns about deflation."
"Deflation is dangerous as it leads to a liquidity trap, a deflation trap and a debt deflation trap: nominal policy rates cannot fall below zero and thus monetary policy becomes ineffective."
"Also, in deflation the fall in prices means the real cost of capital is high – despite policy rates close to zero – leading to further falls in consumption and investment. This fall in demand and prices leads to a vicious circle: incomes and jobs are cut, leading to further falls in demand and prices (a deflation trap); and the real value of nominal debts rises (a debt deflation trap) making debtors’ problems more severe and leading to a rising risk of corporate and household defaults that will exacerbate credit losses of financial institutions."
"The worst is not behind us: 2009 will be a painful year of a global recession, deflation and bankruptcies."
Este último parágrafo é perigoso e devia ter sido censurado... assim os consumidores ficam com receio e retraem-se... há que saber gerir as expectativas... tstststs
Não se deixem levar por tarólogas e quiromantes, basta consultar o marcador deflação abaixo.

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