quarta-feira, outubro 15, 2008

A originação de valor (parte III)

Ainda de acordo com Jean-Claude Larreché, na sequência deste postal acerca do valor, temos:
"a coherent set of actions focused on creating the conditions needed to produce momentum. To understand what momentum strategy is, and why it is so powerful, we must first understand the source of momentum. And that lies at the very heart of the process of value creation"
Algo semelhante a iterações sucessivas destes ciclos que se auto-reforçam num modelo de negócio.
"The traction that provides the initial grip needed for momentum to develop comes from novel insights into the customers' world"
"First must explore their customers' space, their worldview and the emotions that drive their behaviour."
" 'Power' offers lie at the heart of momentum. They are offers that are so resonant, so compeling, so powerful that customers are drawn magnetically toward them."
"firms that are strategically focused on value origination develop a superior awareness of their customers' needs. This enables them to deliver exactly the offer that will resonate with them."
"Everything must then be aligned and coherent to create momentum boosters... starts with the discovery of compelling customer insights - learning about them and understanding them."
"Exploration often works best when it first involves in-depth investigation of a single customer who is ahead of the crowd, and therefore not representative at all of the mass."
Não esquecer como isto se encaixa com outras reflexões e exemplos.
"Investigating individual customers can be just as fruitful as "representative" samples. This deep individual exploration can then be validated by larger-scale studies."
Daí o meu conselho, não olhem para os clientes como fantasmas estatísticos, escolham um cliente-alvo concreto, uma Maria ou uma Mónica, coloquem a sua foto na parede, mergulhem no seu universo.

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