segunda-feira, agosto 11, 2008

Visão e Missão: Futuro e Propósito

A última reflexão que retiro do livro de Richard Normann "Reframing Business When the Map Changes the Landscape" é sobre os conceitos de missão e visão.
São conceitos que volta e meia voltam à baila, julgo que a reflexão de Normann denota profundidade e substância.
"I see 'mission' and 'vision' as artefact concepts which are deliberately used to create purposeful, collective action. They do so by making gaps visible."
"Vision definetely is in the time domain, about the future. It implies a gap between an imagined future state and the present state.
Mission is not related to time in the same manner. Instead, mission is related to what value creating domain we participate in and how, i.e. what role we have in what larger system.
This definition of mission also means that mission can (but not necessarily) imply a gap between the present state and some desired state."
"So, mission is a description of what differences our existence makes to the context we function in, whereas vision defines a gap between the present and some future state. Vision always implies a gap. mission may imply the existence of a gap but doesn't have to."
"But vision does not have to imply mission. Mission always implies reasoning in terms of what effects you have on the external world and its betterment. Vision may be about effects on the external world, but it may also be only about the state of our own organization (for example its size, its profitability, its competence, how it makes its shareholders rich, how it gains power)."
"All visions are about the future; all missions are about the effects on the external world."
"Why are vision and mission interesting conceptual artefacts? Because of the inherent importance of 'gaps' and of 'meaning' and 'purpose' to create (individual and collective) action in human beings... probably the most important 'atractor' equivalent in social systems is 'meaning'.
In complexity theory, 'atractor' means some sort of principle or 'magnetic field' which can serve to bring the energy of many seemigly disparate elements and actions to move in some particular direction; when suddenly the system acquires qualities beyond those of its elements. This happens normally when a compex system reaches a 'fracture point' in which it takes on a different logic moving towards a different state of organization and structure."
"visionary leaders who did not formulate a vision about a mission wil be much more quickly forgotten."
BTW, nesta obra, Richard Normann racionaliza, de certa forma, o exercício de sair para fora do corpo, como o realizar, com o upframing e o downframing.

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