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A apresentar mensagens correspondentes à consulta Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia ordenadas por relevância. Ordenar por data Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, dezembro 19, 2008

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia (parte IV)

Continuando com a reflexão de Rumelt do artigo da Mckinsey Quarterly e em linha com estes outros conselhos.
  • "If you can’t survive hard times, sell out early. Once you are in financial distress, you will have no bargaining power at all.
  • In hard times, save the core at the expense of the periphery. When times improve, recapture the periphery if it is still worthwhile.
  • Any stable source of good profits—any competitive advantage—attracts overhead, clutter, and cross-subsidies in good times. You can survive this kind of waste in such times. In hard times you can’t and must cut it.
  • If hard times have a good side, it’s the pressure to cut expenses and find new efficiencies.
  • Cuts and changes that raised interpersonal hackles in good times can be made in hard ones.
  • Use hard times to concentrate on and strengthen your competitive advantage. If you are confused about this concept, hard times will clarify it. Competitive advantage has two branches, both growing from the same root. You have a competitive advantage when you can take business away from another company at a profit and when your cash costs of doing business are low enough that you can survive in hard times.
  • Take advantage of hard times to buy the assets of distressed competitors at bargain-basement prices. The best assets are competitive advantages unwisely encumbered with debt and clutter.
  • In hard times, many suppliers are willing to renegotiate terms. Don’t be shy.
  • In hard times, your buyers will want better terms. They might settle for rapid, reliable payments. Focus on the employees and communities you will keep through the hard times.
  • Good relations with people you have retained and helped will be repaid many times over when the good times return."

quarta-feira, agosto 31, 2016

Começar pelo fim e outros conselhos

O @pauloperes sabendo-me fã de Steven Covey e de "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change" mandou-me esta imagem:
Excelente resumo.

sexta-feira, janeiro 16, 2009

Este é o tempo para repensar a estratégia (parte X)

"One of the ugliest moments in business is when the customer changes, the profit model changes, so the business design has to change.
It's horrible. You don't want to move mentally because you've been so successful. And yet you must move or you'll stagnate. Or go bankrupt"
"In fact, the more deeply you're enmeshed in yesterday's success system, the more impossible it is for you to imagine what tomorrow's success system will be."
Trechos actualíssimos retirados do livro "The Art of Profitability" de Adrian Slywotzky, o mesmo que escreveu "Value Migration".