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terça-feira, janeiro 10, 2012

Vantagens de um tempo de crise

"crisis creates opportunity.
1: Crisis reduced our time to market: We no longer had to spend a year proving that our ideas were perfect; we only had to prove they were better than the alternative - which was nothing.
2: Crisis let our team coordinate & cut through red tape: Approvals were faster. Cooperation was greater.
3: Crisis enhanced our tolerance for risk: Without a product, we were forced to push traditional boundaries.
4: Crisis forced us to relearn what our customers wanted: 
You can use crisis to defeat the enemies of innovation."
A crise pode criar as condições de "burning platform" capazes de gerar o sentido de urgência que despoleta a evolução:
"Biologists have a word for the way in which solutions emerge from failure: evolution. Often summarised as survival of the fittest, evolution is a process driven by the failure of the less fit. Disconcertingly, given our instinctive belief that complex problems require expertly designed solutions, it is also complets. planned. Astounding complexity emerges in response to a simple process: try out a few variants on what you already have, weed out the failures, copy the successes – and repeat for ever. Variation, and selection, again and again. We are used to thinking about evolution as something that happens in the natural world – a biological phenomenon. But it doesn’t have to be."
Primeiro trecho retirado de "Exploiting Chaos" de Jeremy Gutsche.
Segundo trecho de "Adapt" de Tim Harford