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terça-feira, janeiro 05, 2010

O ponto-limite

About this "O recado do Presidente" and this "É a despesa corrente!" só me ocorre a imagem de um número crescente de pessoas que a pulso, lentamente, com muito esforço...
... conseguiram trepar ao alto da serra para me vir fazer companhia, para apreciar o panorama.
Ao chegarem, e ao vê-los cansados, esgotados, suados e surpreendidos por me
verem lá em cima fresco como uma alface, só me apetece perguntar "Por que raio não vieram pelas escadas? Por que tiveram de vir pela escarpa?"
Estas discussões sobre a despesa estão a tornar-se irrelevantes e diletantes.
Há muitos anos li um livro chamado "O Ponto-Limite", e nós já passámos o ponto-limite, já passámos o ponto de não-retorno. Agora é assim:
"Economists are split over whether the fiscal screw should be tightened with more immediate effect, as demanded by the Tories, or whether, as the Government insists, this would damage the recovery and therefore be counter productive.
Unfortunately for Mr Brown, the idea that this is a matter of political choice is sadly deluded. In the end, it will be the markets, not the politicians, that decide how much debt is too much. Rising gilt yields suggest that point may not be far off. If Mr Brown had longer to serve, he would find himself facing the same fiscal crisis that sunk so many of his Labour predecessors. Plus ca change."
Impressiona a similitude:
"We end this year and indeed this decade with the worst deficit in our history, the worst in Europe, simply as a result of the measures taken by this Government".
In fact it is Gordon Brown, talking at the turn of a past decade when he was just a humble opposition trade and industry spokesman. Twenty years ago, our PM found it politically expedient to accuse the then Conservative Government of presiding over a calamitous deterioration in the public finances.
Now the boot is on the other foot, and he defends his deficit spending as the only economically literate way of preventing a collapse into full-blown Depression. Profligacy has become the new prudence, so much so that Labour now accuses the Tories in a Herculian 150-page analysis published yesterday of belying their own rhetoric with uncosted tax and spending proposals which would leave the public finances £34bn a year worse off than Labour plans. Who's claiming the austerity mantle now?"