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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta nassim nicholas taleb. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, junho 06, 2012

"O governo centralizado não funciona"

"Em seu entender, a ausência de um governo centralizado torna a Europa mais atractiva do que os EUA. “O governo centralizado não funciona. (…) A melhor coisa que a Europa fez foi ter membros que se confrontam, pelo que não existe o ‘Grande Governo’”, sublinhou Nassim Taleb."
Pois, mas os burocratas de Bruxelas querem acabar com essa vantagem impondo a treta de um governo centralizado

segunda-feira, agosto 23, 2010

Acerca das distribuições e da nossa visão do mundo

  • "The Left-Siders" "The worst part about being a left sider is that it's lonely. There are not that many out there, the majority - the middle of the bell - don't understand you. They can't see what you see. They can't imagine the world you can.

    I have one word of advice for all of you - don't stop. Don't quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can't see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It's the one that makes the sweetest sound. And most importantly, when you meet other left-siders, give them a wink, let them know you know...and help them out when they need it.

    The only way the left-siders change the world is when they band together to help each other.

    If you suspect you're a left-sider - email me and let me know the world you imagine. I may know someone who can help you.

    If you suspect you know someone who is a left-sider, stay close to them, protect them and help them. "
  • "The Power of Power Laws" um postal que merece leitura e reflexão profunda. "Here’s the problem (or opportunity). Gaussian distributions tend to prevail when events are completely independent of each other. As soon as you introduce the assumption of interdependence across events, Paretian distributions tend to surface because positive feedback loops tend to amplify small initial events. For example, the fact that a website has a lot of links increases the likelihood that others will also link to this website.

    McKelvey and Andriani suggest that Gaussian distributions can morph into Paretian distributions under two conditions – when tension increases and when the cost of connections decreases. In our globalizing economy, tension rises as competitive intensity increases and as business landscapes evolve faster than the capacity of most organizations to adapt. At the same time, costs of connections are rapidly decreasing as public policy shifts towards freer movement of goods, money and ideas and rapid improvements in the price-performance of IT infrastructures dramatically reduce the cost of information transmission. Bottom line: Paretian distributions become even more prevalent."
  • "Why Gaussian statistics are mostly wrong for strategic organization" e este delicioso trecho "one sees that most of the cases and stories are about extreme events – successes or failures – but seldom about averages. No wonder there is a disjunction: managers live in the world of extremes; researchers using statistics report findings about averages.
    Talk about irrelevant research!
    It is easy for people with no personal experience with an extreme event to think studies of averages are acceptable substitutes."
  • "The Black Swan (Taleb book)" Taleb introduces the concepts of Extremistan and Mediocristan. He uses them as guides to define how predictable is the environment one's studying. Mediocristan environments safely can use Gaussian distribution. In Extremistan environments a Gaussian distribution is used at one's peril."

quinta-feira, julho 29, 2010

Taleb: Government Deficits Could Be the Next 'Black Swan'

Como neto de agricultores, conservador financeiramente e "contrarian" apreciei estas palavras de Nassim Taleb:
"What should you do with your savings?

We have this culture of financialization. People think they need to make money with their savings rather with their own business. So you end up with dentists who are more traders than dentists. A dentist should drill teeth and use whatever he does in the stock market for entertainment.

People should have three sources of variation in their income. The first one is their own business that they understand rather well. Focus on that. The second one is their savings. Make sure you preserve them. The third portion is the speculative portion: Whatever you are willing to lose, you can invest in whatever you want.

In the second category—preservation of value—you should have the consciousness that there is something called inflation. You should avoid some classes of investments that are very fragile."
"Governments that try to shoot for a surplus hardly ever reach it.

The problem is getting runaway. It's becoming a pure Ponzi scheme. It's very nonlinear: You need more and more debt just to stay where you are. And what broke [convicted financier Bernard] Madoff is going to break governments. They need to find new suckers all the time. And unfortunately the world has run out of suckers."
Recortes daqui.

segunda-feira, outubro 26, 2009

I'm not alone (parte IV)

"After finishing The Black Swan, I realized there was a cancer. The cancer was a huge buildup of risk-taking based on the lack of understanding of reality. The second problem is the hidden risk with new financial products. And the third is the interdependence among financial institutions.

MW: But aren't those the very problems we're supposed to be fixing?

NT: They're all still here. Today we still have the same amount of debt, but it belongs to governments. Normally debt would get destroyed and turn to air. Debt is a mistake between lender and borrower, and both should suffer. But the government is socializing all these losses by transforming them into liabilities for your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What is the effect? The doctor has shown up and relieved the patient's symptoms – and transformed the tumour into a metastatic tumour. .
We still have the same disease. We still have too much debt, too many big banks, too much state sponsorship of risk-taking. And now we have six million more Americans who are unemployed – a lot more than that if you count hidden unemployment.

MW: Are you saying the U.S. shouldn't have done all those bailouts? What was the alternative?

NT: Blood , sweat and tears. A lot of the growth of the past few years was fake growth from debt. So swallow the losses, be dignified and move on. Suck it up. (Moi ici: A destruição calvinista, o espírito que suporta(va) a moral capitalista. Agora...) I gather you're not too impressed with the folks in Washington who are handling this crisis.

Ben Bernanke saved nothing! He shouldn't be allowed in Washington. He's like a doctor who misses the metastatic tumour and says the patient is doing very well. The first thing I would tell Chinese officials is, how can you buy U.S. bonds as long as Larry Summers is there? He's a textbook case of overconfidence. Look what happened to Harvard's finances. They took a lot of risk they didn't understand, and it was a disaster. That's the Larry Summers mentality."
Trecho retirado daqui.

quinta-feira, abril 09, 2009

If they are to big to fail...

... they should not be allowed to grow so much.
Nassim Taleb diverte-se "Ten principles for a Black Swan-proof world".
Cada um dos princípios é tão desrespeitado pelos políticos que ...

quinta-feira, junho 05, 2008

"The Black Swan" de Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Via Bruno Alves do blogue Desesperada Esperança cheguei a esta apresentação de Nassim Nicholas Taleb sobre o seu livro "The Black Swan".
Em boa hora troquei o tempo do hipnotismo da televisão por esta apresentação: