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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta infantilização. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, fevereiro 08, 2009

Não consigo resistir ...

... já o confessei váias vezes neste local.
Tenho um fraco por soundbytes e poesia, pronunciar palavras e frases que deslizam bem no sistema fisiológico e em simultâneo adoçam o pensamento, por que o significado é potente e razoável. Por exemplo:
"There is, however, a missing link. For if too much debt is at the heart of the crisis, what about the over-borrowers? What do they have to say?
I'm not talking about unfortunate souls who have slipped behind as a result of redundancy or family crisis. I'm more interested in Smart Alecs who signed for a dozen credit cards and then spent over the limits. Or homebuyers who enjoyed a burst of creativity when it came to disclosing incomes on mortgage forms. Or heavily geared buy-to-let merchants who worked out that instead of paying for a house, they could get a house to pay for them.
These and others have played a role in creating the credit crunch. But we rarely hear from them or about them. The reason, I fear, is that after 12 years of a government which has infantilised the electorate by telling it that the state will always provide, there has been a shocking diminution of personal responsibility. We are a society addicted to victimhood.
As such, when things go wrong, we seek bogeymen rather than face up to our own shortcomings. We expect instant, painless solutions to self-inflicted problems. Britain's booze culture is blamed on the slick advertisements of drinks companies and the cut-price tactics of supermarkets. Our obesity epidemic is the fault of junk-food outlets and confectionery suppliers. And our personal indebtedness, the highest it has ever been, is the result of a pernicious campaign by greedy banks to enslave their customers. Oh yes, and the crash was caused by beastly Americans.
It is a mindset that is fostered by cynical politicians who see few votes in telling people that which discomforts them, even if it's the truth. Much better to identify a "dark force" and then roll out an initiative to tackle it. This exculpates the guilty, while creating an impression of activity."
Já agora especulo com outro motivo para o fenómeno (tendo em conta as teorias de Pedro Arroja sobre as distinções entre a sociedade prot e a sociedade cath) talvez a culpa não seja dos políticos, mas do progressivo aumento de católicos em Inglaterra. Just kidding.
Trechos retirados de "We're in denial: afraid to face up to the real causes of recession"