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sábado, outubro 20, 2018

Testar, brincar, aprender

Recordar este postal, "Para reflexão", e relacionar com "Microsoft is betting on the future of buildings":
"Microsoft just brought an architecture firm to its IoT lab for the first time–here’s what it could mean for the future of buildings.
“Imagine that the floor beneath you is modular, a super-smart floor made of iPads–or rather tablets, because iPads are not made by Microsoft,” Radewych describes, half-jokingly correcting himself. Each unit of the scalable, modular network would contain up to 20 different sensors to live-track various elements of our interior environments, such as humidity, temperature, smell, light, sound, and more. It would then feed that information into an office or home’s ecosystem of smart appliances. “This means that a building can become proactive to the needs of its inhabitants, instead of simply reactive,” says Radewych."
BTW, qual não foi o meu espanto na semana passada quando em Bragança dou de caras com duas baterias Tesla, com cerca de 1,70 m de altura, para serem instaladas.

NOTA: fui corrigido, têm 1,90 m de altura.

Imagem usada em "Correlacionar, associar, prever e antecipar"