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sexta-feira, julho 26, 2019

Acerca dos genéricos

Recuar a 2012:

Recuar a 2010:

"What Dingle needed, though, wasn’t a higher dose of new generic medicine, but the effectiveness of the brand-name drug. “When I went to pick up the new dose, the pharmacist took a minute to look at my prescriptions, then confirmed that my levels had changed after I switched from Synthroid to generic,” Dingle says. “He said he had seen variations like this, not only when the prescription changed from Synthroid to generics but also between batches of generics.”
The active ingredient of the generic must have the same pharmacokinetics as the original drug, which means it must behave the exact same way and reach the same maximum dose in the blood on the appropriate dosing. If the active ingredient is indeed bioequivalent, the drug will likely be equally effective and safe as the original.
But there may be a cost to the cheaper route. A drug’s inactive ingredients (binders, fillers, detergents, dyes, antioxidants, and sugars, which pharmacists call excipients) aren’t subject to the same level of regulation and research as active ingredients. While additional ingredients aren’t allowed to affect how the drug functions in the body and must be proven as “safe” to the FDA, those inactive ingredients can vary widely between brand names and generics — and between generics themselves.
For some patients, generic medications can cause a number of adverse reactions, meaning a drug can compound health concerns instead of alleviating them. This is often linked to a person’s biology; for example, a lactose-intolerant patient who switches to a generic drug with a lactose-based excipient might experience stomach issues, which could in turn decrease drug absorption.
Which leads to another drug-related phenomenon: the “nocebo” effect. Studies show using generic drugs can cause an anti-placebo effect of worsening symptoms or problematic side effects."

terça-feira, agosto 26, 2008

Outro campo para especulação

Este artigo "All together now" da revista The Economist deixa-me muitas interrogações e algumas pistas para especulação sobre o futuro do negócio.
Um pouco à semelhança do Porshe Cayenne, basta ver o início do artigo da wikipédia: "O Porsche Cayenne é um utilitário desportivo produzido pela Porsche desde 2002."
Será que a marca, a proposta de valor Porsche combina com a proposta de valor associada a utilitário?
Que a Teva engula a Barr parece coerente. No entanto, quanto à aquisição pela Daiichi Sankyo da indiana Ranbaxi... como conciliar a proposta de valor dos genéricos com as lindas palavras daqui: "DAIICHI SANKYO’s goal is to satisfy the unmet medical needs of patients and healthcare professionals by continuously developing and providing innovative products and services and be independently competitive in major international markets and maximising its corporate value. "
Ou que a Sanofi-Aventis queira comer a checa Zentiva (empresa de genéricos) onde está a sinergia? Qual a proposta de valor da fusão?
O pior que pode acontecer é desviar as farmacêuticas tradicionais do seu negócio clássico, a venda de produtos patenteados.
O que andará por detrás de alguns destes movimentos?

terça-feira, julho 22, 2008

Movimentos de defesa ou de reconfiguração da paisagem competitiva?

No Diário Económico de hoje:
"Maiores empresas de genéricos do mundo fundem-se" artigo assinado por Sofia Lobato Dias.
Porque será? Serão movimentos defensivos ou reconfiguração deliberada da paisagem competitiva?
"many of these global players that we see today emerge from defensive moves, rather than creative or aggressive strategies. The established gather their forces against the reconfigurers. They become larger, but that do not necessarily reconfigure."
"Deregulation revealed accumulated market imperfections...Companies which had been opaque black boxes now became transparent, and new 'invaders' were able to unbundle products/services and give better deals to customer groups which had been mishandled or exploited outright.
As markets become transparent and 'unbundleable' there is always the opportunity for a gold rush. And it tends to be quick and simple strategies which win. But such strategies are imperfection based, they are primarly neither competence based nor customer orientation based. As these successful players gain from the imperfections they contribute to eliminating them. And while, for a period of time, they eat deeply into the positions and profitability of the established players some of these will adapt, innovate, and reconquer positions."
"to consolidate their positions by realizing that the imperfections that made them successful will not persist and have to be replaced by systematic, long-term strategies building new capabilities and consolidating relationships including with customers."
Trechos retirados de "Reframing Business - When the Map Changes the Landscape" de Richard Normann.
Sim, mas que é que está a ser medroso e quem está a ser reconfigurador?

sexta-feira, julho 18, 2008