sábado, dezembro 28, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

O caderno de Economia do semanário Expresso do passado dia 27.12 traz um artigo intitulado "As empresas devem temer 2025?"

Isto fez-me lembrar um texto de Seth Godin com quase três meses, "Facing the future":

"When our world changes (and it always does, more now than ever) we have four choices. And only one of them is helpful.

DENY: We can pretend that the world isn't changing, that nothing is different and angrily push back on any evidence to the contrary. We can see the change as a personal affront, and insist that it's not real or doesn't matter.

GIVE UP: The contrary position is seductive as well. We can embrace our perceived powerlessness and simply stop trying.

CONTROL: While some understate their power, others overstate it. We can attempt to institute draconian measures, shortcut existing systems and demand that things go the way we want them to. You can hold back the ocean for a little while, but it always finds a way. It's hard to make the tide against the law.

RESPOND: And this path is the resilient one, the one that not only makes it more likely we'll achieve something but also engages us in productive work. Responders see and acknowledge the situation, then use their resources to make an impact. It never works out exactly the way we hope, but it usually works out better than any of the other paths."

O artigo refere o que o governo deve fazer, o que a Europa deve fazer, o que os líderes políticos devem fazer, o que a Comissão Europeia deve fazer, o que o Banco Central Europeu deve fazer... 

O meu conselho para as PMEs, não contem com o ovo no sim-senhor da galinha, arregacem as mangas e construam o vosso futuro.

Durante uma crise, uns choram e outros vendem lenços.

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