terça-feira, setembro 03, 2024

Curiosidade do dia


""Seen this way, pronatalism is a Ponzi scheme," Merchant and Brown wrote. "It relies on new entrants to produce returns for earlier investors, with the burdens falling most heavily on women, who are responsible for the bulk of childbearing and child-rearing, often without adequate medical care or affordable child care.""

E pensei em fazer uma alteração ao texto:

"Seen this way, pro-immigration is a Ponzi scheme,". "It relies on new entrants to produce returns for earlier investors, with the burdens falling most heavily on immigrants, who are responsible for much of the labor and integration, often without adequate support or affordable services." 

Trecho inicial retirado de "Elon Musk and others urging people to have more kids are essentially calling for a Ponzi scheme, experts say". 

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