terça-feira, agosto 20, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

No jornal The Times de ontem:
"Senior executives who hired the three big strategic consulting firms of McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Bain often say they are no help, according to a study commissioned by a rival firm.
A survey of 702 executive staff and project managers found that of those who worked with the three biggest consultancies in corporate transformation projects, 84 per cent felt they "were no help at all". Only 13 per cent said they were more help than hindrance. Three per cent said they had a negative effect.
"What you have is big consultancy armies with briefcases. They walk into organisations and confidently try to get them to fit into a predesigned transformation strategy mould. But what organisations need is a solution that works in their context.""

Faz-me lembrar a estória do Big Data. 

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