quinta-feira, agosto 29, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

"Common Knowledge is what everyone knows that everyone knows.

Common knowledge is why coronations and executions are held in public – not so a crowd can see the new king or the hanged man, but so a crowd can see a crowd seeing the new king or the hanged man.
Common knowledge is ... why the Romanian government fell in 1989 after a televised protest in Palace Square, ... Common knowledge is also why the 2024 Biden/Harris campaign has collapsed.
The dynamics of common knowledge formation are called the common knowledge game. Like all games it has rules. Like all games it has an equilibrium, which is a ten-dollar word that means it has a stopping point. 
it didn’t matter that everyone in Hollywood knew that Harvey Weinstein was a rapist. No one’s behavior changed. No one shunned the guy. No actor turned down a role. No politician turned down a donation. His wife didn’t leave him, and his business partners just upped the D&O insurance and paid out settlements. They all knew, and I’m sure they cared a little and shook their heads in a tsk-tsk sort of way, but they didn’t care enough to change their transactional relationships with Harvey Weinstein. Because that’s the thing about private information, no matter how widespread. Even if everyone in the world believes a certain piece of private information, no one will alter their behavior. Behavior changes ONLY when we believe that everyone else believes the information. THAT’S what changes behavior.

Just like with the Emperor’s New Clothes. Everyone in the crowd possesses the same private information — the Emperor is walking around as naked as a jaybird. But no one’s behavior changes just because the private information is so widespread and so public. Nor does behavior change just because a couple of people whisper their doubts to each other. No, the only thing that changes behavior is when the little girl (what game theory would call a Missionary) [Moi ici: Na minha ingenuidade ainda espero que a Iniciativa Liberal um dia desista de ser o maior partido português e se foque na mudança do país] announces the Emperor’s nakedness SO loudly that the entire crowd believes that everyone else in the crowd heard the news. That’s when behavior changes."

Na sua essência, common knowledge não é apenas informação partilhada; é informação que toda a gente sabe, toda a gente sabe que toda a gente sabe, e esta cadeia de conhecimento é infinita. Este nível profundo de consciência mútua é crucial na coordenação de acções e expectativas nos grupos sociais. 

Este balde de água fria agora está a começar a abrir os olhos a mais alguns.

Trechos retirados de "Joe Biden and the Common Knowledge Game"

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