sexta-feira, julho 05, 2024

Não é só por cá. (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

"Everything now is just a euphemism for financial repression and austerity. That doesn't stop politicians looking for magica alternatives.


Britain's Institute of Fiscal Studies on Monday described parties' reluctance to admit as much on Monday as "a conspiracy of silence" arguing Labour's pledge to rule out tax hikes was a "mistake." "We wish Labour had not made those tax locks and it will be difficult [politically] to break," IFS director Paul Johnson said about the party currently leading the polls.


But it's not just British politicians who are refusing to face up to reality. In France, where an impending snap parliamentary election threatens to empower extremists on both sides of the political spectrum — to the cost of President Emmanuel Macron's centrist Renaissance party - there is a similar reluctance to admit there are only bad options on the table.


What he failed to point out is that even supposedly sensible centrists face having to do the unthinkable in the longer run.

"They have to go to financial repression because high growth as a strategy out of over-indebtedness is not going to be funded by the bond market," Russell

Napier, an influential investment advisor who authors the Solid Ground newsletter, told POLITICO. "I think it doesn't matter who you vote for, you end up with roughly the same thing. So the market's not maybe saying 'we're very sanguine about Labour [in the U.K. ]. They're just saying: 'It doesn't really matter who you vote for. We are heading toward this route.""

E também:

"A última vez que se falou de reformas, e que se tentou implementá-las, foi durante a Troika. Nos 8 anos seguintes, os três governos de Costa não só reverteram algumas das (poucas) dessas reformas, como demonizou as outras. E como o país "comprou" essa conversa, agora ninguém fala dessas medidas. 


É justo criticar a classe política pela inação? É. Mas não lhe podemos atribuir toda a culpa. Ela é assim porque o eleitor não quer mudança. De cada vez que se faz. uma proposta ousada para mudar a economia, a reação é o conservadorismo. Porquê? Por ignorância. Ou seja, por uma gritante falta de literacia. E enquanto isso nลo mudar, teremos politicos (e politicas) miseráveis."

Como refere Joaquim Aguiar, ganham-se eleições mas não se ganha legitimidade. 

Trechos retirados de "The dirty little secret no politician will admit: There is no way to 'go for growth'" e de "É o povo. É o povo!"

Parte III de III.

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