sexta-feira, junho 07, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

""People are not reading your stuff," Will Lewis bluntly told a room of American journalists on Monday as the British media executive announced an overhaul of The Washington Post's newsroom just months before a pivotal US election.

"I can't sugarcoat it any more," said Lewis, a former Rupert Murdoch lieutenant who was brought in to turn around a stalwart of American journalism that has brought down US presidents but struggled financially in recent years.
Lewis stressed the urgency of reviving a newspaper that still talks with pride about its role in the Watergate scandal five decades ago.
He did not mince his words in a 40-minute meeting with staff, saying it would be "nuts" not to change a business that lost $77mn last year."

Os jornais americanos são mesmo parolos. Queimar sobrancelhas à procura de um modelo de negócio adequado para os tempos actuais ... seria muito mais fácil seguir a via dos espertos, dos inteligentes, a dos portugueses. E conseguir do governo de turno e dos outros cobardes do costume uma arma para apontar aos contribuintes, e obrigá-los a fazer o que os "jornalistas" não conseguem com o seu trabalho: sustentá-los.

Trechos retirados de "US newsrooms are in trouble: are these British journalists the answer?

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