segunda-feira, abril 01, 2024

"adopt a divergent mindset"

"Developing one outstanding idea and 99 duds is better than 100 good ideas. In innovative problem solving, the extremes of the distribution matter, not the average.

Maximizing variation with no concern for the average contradicts what we typically want and expect. Most of the time we're trying to maximize average performance and minimize variation. We want consistency and reliability, not variability. 


To increase the odds of finding innovative solutions to complex problems, you must abandon a convergent mindset-the temptation to critically evaluate ideas as they are generated-and adopt a divergent mindset that promotes volume and variety. Research has consistently found that divergent thinking is one of the strongest predictors of creative problem solving."
Retirado do Capítulo 9 do livro “Cracked It! How to solve big problems and sell solutions like top strategy consultants:” 

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