sexta-feira, março 22, 2024


Na semana passada estava numa reunião atolado numa discussão sobre um indicador de desempenho para um processo. Abstraí-me da reunião por uns momentos, copiei o texto da finalidade do processo e perguntei ao ChatGPT que indicadores me sugeria. Ofereceu-me doze indicadores. Escolhi três e apresentei-os aos participantes na reunião. 

A discussão voltou a engrenar e dois dos três indicadores foram revistos e aprovados.

Entretanto, ontem de manhã cedo encontrei este tweet:

Eis as minhas notas de The Future of Strategic Measurement: Enhancing KPIs With Al:

"Executives who recognize the power and potential of Al-enabled KPIs acknowledge that their current KPI design and review practices are anachronistic. More and more companies are rising to this challenge by embedding governance processes and functions to oversee KPI development. KPI governance mechanisms that maintain


A common corporate objective is to improve KPIs over time. Our research shows that using Al is one of the most effective ways to enhance KPIs.


Six out of 10 survey respondents agree that improving their KPIs (in terms of what gets measured and how it gets measured), not just improving performance, is critical for effective decision-making. Every executive we interviewed explicitly declared that improving KPIs with Al is an enterprise interest, and it is an immediate priority for several.


We see three ways that Al-enriched KPIs improve on legacy metrics that simply track performance. Smart KPIs better describe ongoing and past performance, more effectively anticipate future performance, and make more useful recommendations to promote outcomes. These three types of smart KPIs (descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive) map to a well-known distinction between descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.


Identifying strategic and operational KPIs is a common function of human leadership teams. Yet our research confirms that Al - not only humans - can propose and even design new and novel KPIs to guide executive decisionmaking. We heard story after story of leaders turning to algorithms to source key performance metrics that are not only strategically and operationally valuable but, in some cases, derived from data patterns too complicated for humans to discern."

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