sexta-feira, dezembro 15, 2023

"Value Truth over Good News"

Recordo de 2009, "Fake recoveries, os 3 amigos e a linguagem de carroceiro":

"BTW, acham que as empresas de Belmiro de Azevedo, por causa da sua linguagem realista e crua estão a viver um momento de descalabro moral, de desânimo, revoltadas com o discurso da tanga do seu líder? Acham mesmo?

Não estarão antes, cientes da realidade, a fazer das tripas coração, a pensar em alternativas, a tentar criar um amanhã melhor? Qual das duas linguagem promove mais facilmente o cerrar de fileiras?

Se Belmiro de Azevedo replicasse a linguagem do ministro nas suas empresas iria gerar o veneno mais corrosivo das organizações, IMHO, o cinismo."

Relaciono com trechos retirados de "Heuristics for Masterbuilders: Fast and Frugal Ways to Become a Better Project Leader" de Bent Flyvbjerg.

"Value Truth over Good News. This was proposed by a leader who had observed that in most organizations good news is encouraged over bad. As a result, no one wants to be the messenger of bad news. The problem with this approach, the leader said, is that on big, complex projects it is only a matter of time until something goes wrong and bad news appear. As leader, you want to hear about this as quickly as possible, so you can do something about it before it grows worse. To be an effective project leader you therefore cannot afford the good-news culture of most organizations. You need to do the opposite: Encourage your team to always immediately tell you the truth about the project, no matter how bad it is. You need to actively encourage bad news and create an organization in which they travel fast, with clear escalation mechanisms and directives for who does what when things go wrong, so you don't have to spend precious time on figuring this out after the fact, argued this leader. -- Again, there was deep resonance in the room. Another cohort member explained that she used a version of this heuristic: Encourage Bad News. And again, these are heuristics that will help you be a better leader if they resonate with your experience, and you can walk the talk."

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