sexta-feira, novembro 03, 2023

Análise do contexto (parte VIII)

(Parte VII)

Há tempos li What Fast-Moving Companies Do Differently:

"The Two Dimensions of Speed

When we talk about speed, we consider the two key dimensions that determine how fast a company can move:

  • Speed of insights is a company's ability to quickly sense an emerging market need that it can meet. This includes both 1) identifying the external indicators most relevant to the firm's industry and business to spot trends that suggest latent or emerging demand for a particular type of offering, and 2) being able to quickly see impending developments that could challenge the business in some way.
  • Speed of action is the ability to equally quickly marshal a company's operations to capitalize on the identified trend or need. This means digesting the insights generated, deciding what the company should do in response, and setting the organization in motion to implement those decisions."

Recordo de 2020 - Ter ou não ter fogo no rabo.

Recordo de 2019 - A falta de fogo no rabo.

Interessante ter conversado com pelo menos duas PME nos últimos 30 dias que posso incluir no pequeno grupo de empresas que apostam na velocidade. Acumularam capital, têm graus de liberdade, têm gente que está atenta ao contexto e age!

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