quinta-feira, julho 27, 2023

Acerca da produtividade no Reino Unido

Li no FT, "Why productivity is so weak at UK companies" com o subtítulo "Longstanding problems of low investment and skills gaps exacerbated by overconfidence and lack of management time".

"But he is still in the vanguard of a collective UK effort to solve the puzzle of why British workers turn out less for every hour they work than their counterparts [Moi ici: Não gosto desta formulação. Como se os trabalhadores fossem os culpados ou a solução] in other advanced economies such as the US, Germany and France.


Productivity may be an abstract concept for many, but its consequences are real. Higher output  [Moi ici: Outra linguagem arcaica que não gosto de ver usada qunado se fala de produtividade porque me recorda a mentalidade dos engenheiros - foco no denominador] leads to better wages and a more prosperous economy. But UK productivity has grown by just 0.4 per cent annually in the years since the financial crisis, less than half the rate of the 25 richest OECD countries, according to think-tank the Resolution Foundation. UK household income, which used to be ahead of competitors such as France and Germany, now lags behind.


suggests British companies are long on confidence but short on commitment when it comes to action and investment in becoming more productive.


"Confidence can be a good thing - self-belief is powerful," says the report. "However, an alternative way of putting it is that we [the UK] are good at complacency." [Moi ici: Bom ponto!]


Another potential drag on improving output per worker is a relative lack of business investment. "If UK business investment had matched the average of France, Germany and the US since 2008. ... our GDP would be nearly 4 per cent higher today, enough to raise average wages by around £1,250 a year," the Resolution Foundation said in its recent report "Beyond Boosterism", part of its Economy 2030 research on the UK's economic prospects.


The proportion of UK businesses that have taken steps to improve or try regularly to measure and improve productivity is slightly down or unchanged since 2020. Some 37 per cent of businesses have discussed or planned improvements - up 8 percentage points between 2020 and 2022 - but not yet taken action.


That in turn feeds into concerns about the wider calibre of British managers, memorably voiced in 2017 by Andy Haldane, then Bank of England chief economist, who suggested "a (lack of management quality" was one reason for the UK's long tail of lagging businesses.

In fact, "our long tail doesn't seem to be much worse than others" , says Greg Thwaites, research director at the Resolution Foundation, and most businesses in the long tail are either too small or simply too unproductive for remedial measures to have a big macroeconomic impact. 

Be the Business chief executive Anthony Impey, who has first hand experience of starting and running technology businesses, also defends British managers. Although he acknowledges the cliche that too many small company leaders work "in" their businesses, rather than "on" their business, he points out that the obsession with day to day operations often reflects the ownership structures of such firms.

Many founders mortgaged their homes to launch or sustain their businesses and for those owners "there's a scale of jeopardy which is very often overlooked, because economists and those in big businesses don't have these sorts of stakes in their jobs", he says.

"If you have that kind of pressure, you're going to work in your business 12 hours a day", leaving little time or energy to plan investment or pause operations to implement improvements.


Nor do UK managers, accidental or otherwise, seem especially keen on asking for outside advice. The government's long-running survey of small businesses tracks how many leaders have sought "external advice or information" on their business (excluding "casual conversation"). That proportion dropped from almost a third to less than a quarter between 2018 and 2020 and was almost unchanged in 2021, according to the latest report available.

That is worrying because managers who do not take advice tend towards overconfidence, according to the Productive Business Index, which Be the Business has been compiling since 2021. Its latest edition found that business leaders who took no external advice were actually more confident about their leadership and management skills than those that did seek outside support. But managers without external advisers or non-executive directors were less likely to have a two- to five-year strategic plan or to feel they were prepared for unforeseen events.


If there were a single catch-all prescription for self-improvement, businesses would probably have applied it by now. Instead, recent analysis suggests companies need to apply a range of measures.

One would be developing and improving management skills and practices. US smaller companies top the ranking of G7 countries on management and leadership and operating efficiency, and are consistently higher than their UK equivalents in their plans to improve capabilities over the next 12 months."

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